This film builds tension with long & wide shots almost like a Hitchcock film. Much like other films we've seen in class this film had book ends with the same shot. Specifically when Warren Beatty's character Joseph, writes on a napkin a bomb is on the plane. He patiently waits for the flight attendant to find the napkin. The scene lasting all of 2 minutes going back & forth between Joseph's face watching & his view of the flight attendant as she passes out drinks.
The beginning zooms in while the end zooms out before the committee disappears.
I've noticed in a few of the films we've seen in class there is a shot of a reflection in glass windows, maybe showing a common theme in 70s film.
The Long Goodbye

The Parallax View

This shot stuck with me. You can see a view of a silhouette approaching with the floor below, the viewer isn't sure where to look, yet they know something is going to happen. The tension builds.
- The opening sequence was designed to mirror that of Robert F. Kennedy's 1968 assassination.
Than More Series
Than More Series
That's really interesting - the connecting of all the shots through glass and the reflections.